Corporate Restructuring

Corporate Restructuring

Corporate Restructuring Corporate restructuring and service development plan for equity joint venture for telecom services network in...
Emergency Response Sector Projects

Emergency Response Sector Projects

Emergency Response Sector Projects Performed comprehensive investigation into China’s emergency response technologies and operational plans and designed technical programs related to infrastructure safety, and environmental monitoring and early warning...
Emergency Response Sector Projects

Telemedicine and Trans-border Trade in Services

Telemedicine and Trans-border Trade in Services Prepared white paper and market assessment of the potential for trans-border trade in service in healthcare through broadband, IoT medical devices, and increased acceptance of remote medical...

China Public Health Data Standards Conducted comprehensive assessment of IT and data management standards in China’s healthcare sector. Worked closely with senior government officials in Beijing, Sichuan and Zhejiang Provinces and U.S. technology vendors to specify...
China Public Health Data Standards

China Public Health Data Standards

China Public Health Data Standards Conducted comprehensive assessment of IT and data management standards in China’s healthcare sector. Worked closely with senior government officials in Beijing, Sichuan and Zhejiang Provinces and U.S. technology vendors to specify...