by Chad Little | Dec 18, 2021
Smart Cities Developed four major digital infrastructure projects for the leading cities in Turkey, including an AI and predictive analytics pilot platform to support Istanbul’s Transportation and Traffic Excellence program, as well as an Analytics Center of...
by Chad Little | Dec 18, 2021
Banking Shared Disaster Recovery Services Designed technical assistance program to for banking data backup systems, shared power and climate control, and ICT services for the leading banks in Nigeria, with the ultimate goal of reducing the cost of capital in the...
by Chad Little | Dec 18, 2021
National Bank ICT Modernization Designed technical assistance program to modernize the efficiency and effectiveness of ICT platforms and procedures for the Bank of Tanzania to maintain price stability and improve critical central banking...
by Chad Little | Dec 18, 2021
National Bank Cash Management System Defined U.S. technical assistance for the Rwandan National Bank (BNR) to build the technical capability necessary to provide real-time cash balance information to policymakers and support more effective fiscal policy formulation...
by Chad Little | Dec 18, 2021
Branchless Banking System Designed technical program to extend Ghana’s branchless banking services such as electronic payment systems and other financial services to underserved segments of Ghana’s...