Infrastructure WiFi

Infrastructure WiFi

Infrastructure WiFi Advising the developer of a telco-grade wireless ISP deploying WiFi services over licensed 5GHz spectrum in the largest cities in Bangladesh on expansion strategy and capital...
National Telecommunications Policy and Infrastructure Plan

National Telecommunications Policy and Infrastructure Plan

National Telecommunications Policy and Infrastructure Plan Served as principal U.S. telecom advisor and prepared Afghanistan’s National Telecommunications and Internet Policy that has led to more than $2.0.billion of private equity investment and stands as one of the...


PTC Three-time conference chairman and former VP, Board of Governors of the Pacific Telecommunications Council.  Keynote speaker at...
Flood Management Systems

Flood Management Systems

Flood Management Systems Defined funding for sensors and decision support systems for national flood management programs in the Mekong Delta (Vietnam and...
Market Entry Strategy

Market Entry Strategy

Market Entry Strategy Demand analysis and market entry strategy for advanced data services for global carrier, including interviews with more than 130 government, service providers and enterprise stakeholders in Indonesia, Malaysia and...