

NDA has been engaged on telecom strategy, policy, investments, service development, and commercial alliances in more than 50 countries
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Representative engagements:

5G – Multiple countries – US inter-agency advisor on 5G in Brazil, Dominican Republic, India, South Africa, and Turkey

Jordan – Mobile Sector Reset: Mobile sector restructuring plan addressing government revenues, taxation, and MNO revenue shares

PhilippinesNational Digital Connectivity Plan:  Supported government on national strategy to address persistent digital divide

Palau – Open RAN: Program strategy and funding for 5G core infrastructure replacement

Turkey – Designed Open RAN Pilot Project with TurkTelekom and Parallel Wireless

Afghanistan – National connectivity infrastructure:  Designed strategy and funding to design national satellite, fiber optic, and government networks

Central Asia – Led EBRD sovereign loan assessments for telecommunications modernization in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Moldova

Kazakhstan – Supported World Bank smart nation strategy and rural connectivity improvements

Philippines – NBN upgrade – Designed program funding for technical design of fiber National Broadband Network

Cameroon – Mobile Sector Liberalization strategy that led to successful licensing of new operator

Canada – Led multi-firm bid team to secure national license and frequencies for fixed wireless

Smart Cities

Application of AI, shared services, sensors, and data management to modernize major municipalities
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Representative engagements:

IstanbulDigital Twin for Disaster Management:  Designed multi-vendor integration strategy to improve earthquake preparedness and response

IstanbulAI Platform for Traffic Management:  Defined comprehensive program to improve transportation congestion and multi-modal planning

Ankara – Digital Modernization Strategy for Water Authority:  Designed upgrade to metropolitan utility industrial controls for improved efficiency

Amman – Smart City Feasibility Plan:  Specified assistance for traffic surveillance and incident command

Davao City – Emergency Operations Center Modernization:  Designed assistance to upgrade incident command and urban safety

Data Infrastructure

We help public sector right-size strategies and investments for data centers, sovereign compute, cloud, and AI
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Representative engagements:

Philippines – Cloud Center of Excellence: Developed multi-stakeholder program to speed government transition to cloud

Istanbul – Disaster Recovery Data Center: Specified support for infrastructure expansion and creation of Analytics Center of Excellence

Philippines – Financial Ministry Private Cloud: Designed support

Africa – Financial Infrastructure: Defined grants for National Bank Cash Management System in Rwanda, National Bank ICT Modernization in Tanzania, Branchless Banking System in Ghana, and financial disaster recovery in Nigeria

Libya – Cybersecurity training and Internet exchange

Smart Cities

We are expert at defining successful USTDA grants and sole-source proposals in over 30 countries
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NDA has developed nearly $100 million in grants related to digital infrastructure and ICT for USTDA, precipitating U.S. trade opportunities exceeding $2 billion

We work closely with project sponsors at the earliest stages of investment definition to imagine, structure, and test assumptions about strategic digital infrastructure plans.

Countries we have developed USTDA projects include: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, China, Dominican Republic, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Laos, Libya, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palau, Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

Digital Government

We advise national governments and donors on digital applications, data strategy, and platform investments
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Representative engagements:

Turkey – AI Climate Change Portal: Defined funding for consolidation of national climate change data through AI

TurkeyIstanbul Full Stack Cybersecurity Platform: Designed program funding for municipal government and its 30 operating subsidiaries

Palestine – Public Sector Modernization Strategy:  Led whole-of-government feasibility study to improve interoperability and governance

Uzbekistan – National e-Readiness Assessment:  Conducted whole-of-government of government ICT assets and capacity

AfghanistanNational Telecom and Internet Policy: Prepared best practices policy that guided telecom sector for 18 years, catalying >$2 billion investment

Disaster Management

We have global experience designing programs, enabling technologies, applications, and investments for large-scale disasters
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IstanbulDigital Twin for Disaster Management:  Designed funding for cutting-edge multi-stakeholder solution to pair AI-driven digital twin with earthquake preparedness

Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand National Disaster Management Centers: Designed U.S. Congressional funding to stand up national disaster and crisis management centers Southeast Asian nations most heavily impacted by Indian Ocean Tsunami

Asia-Pacific – Pacific Endeavor:  Led USINDOPACOM executive officer training for 26-nation exercise on civilian-military collaboration and directed outreach to ~50 UN agencies, leading NGOs, and technology firms

Davao City – Emergency Operations Center:  Designed client program to modernize incident command and smart city systems

Other Engagements

We provide insights on business strategy and technology innovation for a wide range of sectors for corporate, financial, and entreprenurial clients
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Representative engagements:

Europe – Led broadband Internet strategy cable operator in Germany, France, Netherlands, and Spain

Korea – Co-developed “Blue Ocean” service strategy and business model for location-based services

USA – Defined data monetization strategy for the “digital built world” (cities, airports, buildings, transportation, hospitals)

USA  – Led business pivot for B-round cybersecurity firm

Japan – Developed connectivity concept study for advanced vehicle information services

Japan – Strategic work-out options for Japanese electric utility investments in mobile

Singapore – Applications strategy for second network carrier bid

China – Advised on “Connecting Sichuan” healthcare network and trans-border trade in remote healthcare services

Kazakhstan – Editor, Epicenter of Peace, President Nazarbayev’s memoir on the de-nuclearization of Kazakhstan

And many more…
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